Do you have clients that add your Javascript in their website ? 
Protect them and your reputation


Guardscript monitors every few minutes any changes made to your Javascript files and sends you a notification with the changes made. You can then detect any malicious modification by analyzing these results.

More and more companies are hacked by malicious third party javascript

See the previous hacks: TicketMaster, British Airways, Statcounter...), that goes undetected for too long. Don't be part of this problem. Detect any malicious modification to your Javascript as soon as it happens
Constant monitoring

Your javascript is checked every few minutes.

Detailed reports

Reports will be sent to you by email containing an exhaustive list of all the changed made

Optimized for Javascript

Guardscript can display beautiful reports even for javascript code that is minified.

Optimized for Javascript

Check for yourself a real report of a minified script.



Javascript files
Checked every 5 minutes
Email notification

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Best Choice

Javascript files
Checked every 5 minutes
Email notification

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Javascript files
Checked every 10 minutes
Email notification

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No Credit Card
1 Javascript file  
Checked once a day
Email notification

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How does GuardScript work?

You give GuardScript the URL of the Javascript file that you want to monitor.
GuardScript monitors regularly this file and detects any modification GuardScript sends you an email if the file is modified. The mail contains a complete report of the modifications made.

How do you detect the modifications?

We compute the hashes of the files regularly. If only one character in a file changes, his hash will change.

What's the difference with Subressource Integrity

Subresource Integrity (SRI) is a security feature that enables browsers to verify that resources they fetch (for example, from a CDN) are delivered without unexpected manipulation. It works by allowing you to provide a cryptographic hash that a fetched resource must match. (Definition of Mozilla)
GuardScript is for when Subressource integrity is not possible or not implemented, which is most of the time for SaaS services.